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Stuff for the course Practical Programming and Numerical Methods.
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Source files for hacspec files Bachelor's project by AU DAT6 2019 Group 6.
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LaTeX Beamer template for preparing talks and presentations in LaTeX in a template the matches the official AU PowerPoint template
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LaTeX Beamer template for preparing talks and presentations in LaTeX in a template the matches the official AU PowerPoint template
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A suite of tools for medical image processing focused on brain analysis
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Data related to the deliverable of the bachelor project with the title "Towards a Digital Twin for an Autonomous Robot"
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2015 Project for the course Cryptographic Computational Project. Looking at ORAM.
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Program for calculating direct capture cross sections on light nuclei
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Git mirror of overleaf project. Meeting notes, scenario descriptions, diagrams, etc
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GITMAL, til ITMAL kurset.
Indeholder slides, opgaver og Python kildekoder.
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😍 😍 😍 GITMAL, til ITMAL kurset.Indeholder slides, opgaver og Python kildekoder.
Slides og opgaver kan blive opdatert lige op til pågældende kursusdag. Kræver en git pull lige inden kursusafholdelsen for at være opdateret.