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AUSA / Michael / log-ft
MIT LicenseUpdated -
desktop_robotti / drobotti-drivers
Eclipse Public License 1.0ROS2 device drivers for on-board RPi4. Steering motors, 2D Lidar, IMU
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desktop_robotti / drobotti-embedded
Eclipse Public License 1.0Embedded code for on-board STM microcontroller, controlling back wheels (speed regulation)
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desktop_robotti / drobotti-processing-and-control
Eclipse Public License 1.0Software for execution on PC for controlling the Desktop Robotti and processing data from its sensors. Teleoperation, SLAM, Marvelmind, Co-simulation communication
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Draw ΔE:E graphs simply by specifying AUSAlib setup and target files
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netx / source / open-source / ananke
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseLibrary for compressing Ananke is the greek good of force constraint, necessity
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netx / source / base64
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseA header-only library that implements Base64 encoding and decoding
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Documentation, configuration files and scripts related to SiPM/CoMPASS project report
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Kim Hochreuter / BRAINSTools
Apache License 2.0A suite of tools for medical image processing focused on brain analysis
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Nicked from Kenneth Lund Andersen's git project at git.kern.phys.au.dk
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Defines CMake functions and variables used across many different AUSA projects
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Adaptation of Andreas Gad's finalfit project (https://gitlab.au.dk/au479664/finalfit) to AUSA's "Modern CMake" approach
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