Explore projects
2015 Project for the course Cryptographic Computational Project. Looking at ORAM.
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Includes a code written to evaluate the radiation emitted from ultrarelativistic electrons and positrons channeling in oriented crystals, using CUDA. Armadillo is required to run.
For questions email: christianfn@phys.au.dk
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Claes Hjortsberg Romlov Jensen / crazyflie-firmware
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyThe main firmware for the Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter, Crazyflie Bolt Quadcopter and Roadrunner Positioning Tag.
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Digital Testbed and Benchmark Development
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AUSA / ausadaq / controller / drasi
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyUpdated -
desktop_robotti / drobotti-drivers
Eclipse Public License 1.0ROS2 device drivers for on-board RPi4. Steering motors, 2D Lidar, IMU
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desktop_robotti / drobotti-embedded
Eclipse Public License 1.0Embedded code for on-board STM microcontroller, controlling back wheels (speed regulation)
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desktop_robotti / drobotti-processing-and-control
Eclipse Public License 1.0Software for execution on PC for controlling the Desktop Robotti and processing data from its sensors. Teleoperation, SLAM, Marvelmind, Co-simulation communication
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Vosegaard / FFM
OtherUpdated -
Benjamin Salling Hvass / Fiat Crypto
MIT LicenseUpdated -