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A small wack-a-mole game made made using standard HTML, CSS and JavaScript
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A small realtime chat application built using React.js Node.js and Socket.io. I built this project by following this tutorial by Javascript Mastery on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwFA3YMfkoc&list=WL&index=9&t=0s
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A chat web-application built with NodeJS and React using Pusher Channels and Auth0 secure login API. I made this application by following the guide "Build a Chat App with React, Auth0 and Pusher" by Yomi Eluwande. For link see readme
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A small meme generator program built using nodeJS and React
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A combination of different practice programs that showcases the different functionalities of react
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A very simple checklist application made with nodeJS and react
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A very simple web-application displaying a list of products, built with nodeJS and react