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Michael Greve Munch / ORM
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
Casper Benjamin Freksen / feature-hashing-infinity
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Git repo for the 2022 Practical Programming and Numerical Methods course
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Stuff for the course Practical Programming and Numerical Methods.
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Includes a code written to evaluate the radiation emitted from ultrarelativistic electrons and positrons channeling in oriented crystals, using CUDA. Armadillo is required to run.
For questions email: christianfn@phys.au.dk
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Basic blockchain implementation with additional finality layer based on Afgjort. Implemented as bachelor project 2020
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2015 Project for the course Cryptographic Computational Project. Looking at ORAM.
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GITMAL, til ITMAL kurset.
Indeholder slides, opgaver og Python kildekoder.