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Biomodelling / Phrases
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Register free tables in a public area. Project for the course "Building the Internet of Things with P2P and Cloud Computing"
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This repository contains experimental and theoritical data which are necessary for reproducing the figures in the paper "Top-down formation of ethylene from fragmentation of superhydrogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons".
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Claes Hjortsberg Romlov Jensen / crazyflie-firmware
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyThe main firmware for the Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter, Crazyflie Bolt Quadcopter and Roadrunner Positioning Tag.
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Into-cps / github-into-cps / hybridCosimulation-framework
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyA native framework for generated hybrid co-simulations
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Draw ΔE:E graphs simply by specifying AUSAlib setup and target files
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Test data repo for testing tool output for traceability against the schemas
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😍 😍 😍 GITMAL, til ITMAL kurset.Indeholder slides, opgaver og Python kildekoder.
Slides og opgaver kan blive opdatert lige op til pågældende kursusdag. Kræver en git pull lige inden kursusafholdelsen for at være opdateret.