Writer classes
I have,
- converted
from structs to classes, - added
to the project and also converted it from a struct to a class, - created a new derived writer
and renamedRootInterferenceWriter
- moved them within the sim3a namespace,
- made them inherit from a template base class named
. - modified the decay weight constructors so that the weight calculator can be specified at instantiation.
- updated the balamuth.cpp executable including its cml interface to run in three different modes: single partial wave, two partial waves with known mixing, two partial waves with unknown mixing
Still to do:
Generalize implementation of writer classes to handle arbitrary numbers of final state particles, N, to be specified at instantiation (the current implementation is hardcoded to N=3) -
Make inclusion of Dalitz variables x,y in output root file optional -
Complete class docstring descriptions -
Implement unit tests for writer classes
Edited by Oliver Kirsebom