After some consideration, we decided to change our original domain, which was math in fourth grade in elementary school, to math B in third year of high school. The change in domain comes from problems with getting in contact with elementary schools in Aarhus, and a concern with to much gamification in the younger generation. We had more luck getting in contact with a high school, and were able to observe a third year class in math B.
# Domain
After some consideration, we decided to change our original domain, which was math in fourth grade in elementary school, to math B in third year of high school. The change in domain comes from issues with getting in contact with elementary schools in Aarhus, and a concern with to much gamification in the younger generation. We had more luck getting in contact with a high school, and were able to observe a third year class in math B.
Changing our domian we were also able to speak to a more mature group of people and we believed that we could obtain more profound insight interviewing young adoults rather than children. Since high school students already have intergrated technology into their studies we believe that designing educational technology will be easier to get evaluated by the students.