... | ... | @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ The tests to estimate the noise factors was performed at low speeds, on a wooden |
The distance noise factor was determined by having the robot perform multiple forward travels of 50 cm. The average distance from the target was ~0.5 mm, thus the distance noise factor was estimated as: 0.5/500 = 0.001.
The angle noise factor was determined by two tests, both performed multiple times. In the first test, the robot performed four 360 degrees rotation. The second test was similar, but reversed the direction of the 2nd and 4th rotation. For both tests, the average deviation was 0.5 degrees, hence the angle noise factor was estimated as: 0.5/360 = 0.00138.
The angle noise factor was determined by two tests, both performed multiple times. In the first test, the robot performed four 360 degrees rotation. The second test was similar, but reversed the direction of the 2nd and 4th rotation. For both tests, the average deviation was 0.5 degrees.
### Test with `PilotMonitor` and `PilotRoute`
... | ... | @@ -134,6 +134,19 @@ Angle noise factor = 2.5 |
## Position tracking while avoiding obstacles
We have chosen to answer this exercise based on the exercise *Make the robot stay within the robot arena* from lesson 11.
The following image shows the setup used, with a sonar sensor, two light sensors, and a bumper and touch sensor mounted on the front of the vehicle.

This exercise used two behaviors, **Wander** and **Avoid edge**.
The Wander behavior was changed to drive in a straight line to obtain a simple fixed route.
The Avoid edge behavior is also used to avoid
In order to avoid objects whilst following

## Conclusion
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