... | ... | @@ -47,14 +47,67 @@ TBD: Add codesnippet of ButtonListener implementation |
### Exercise 5
The figure below show four consecutive claps, measured with the nxt sound sensor.
The length of the four claps vary between 85 and 175 ms with a sound level above 85%.
![Clap characteristics](https://gitlab.au.dk/rene2014/lego/raw/master/Week5/Measurements/ClapMeasurements.png)
TBD: Code snippet? Limits: 80 and 200ms?
### Exercise 6
TBD: Code snippet, video, calibration:-30, raw values are inverted compared to percent readings, PID control and gain choice.
### Exercise 6 - Party Finder Robot
In this exercise we mount two sound sensors on the Lego car and create a java application that will drive towards loud sound.
In the application we use a PID controller, to control the steering of the vehicle, so that the sound levels on the two sensors are equal.
In the code snippet below, the main function is shown.
The sensor ports are initiated as raw mode, since this will increase the accuracy of the readings.
The DifferentialPilot is used to steer the vehicle, since is gives a easy handle for turning the vehicle in a smooth way.
In the inner control loop, the PID controller is implemented.
Note that the left sensor reading is calibrated, by subtracting 30 from the raw value.
This is done, in order for the sound sensors to have equal calibration.
Otherwise the vehicle will always turn.
SensorPort leftSound = SensorPort.S1;
SensorPort rightSound = SensorPort.S4;
leftSound.setTypeAndMode(SensorPort.TYPE_SOUND_DB, SensorPort.MODE_RAW);
rightSound.setTypeAndMode(SensorPort.TYPE_SOUND_DB, SensorPort.MODE_RAW);
DifferentialPilot pilot = new DifferentialPilot(56f, 113f, Motor.B, Motor.C);
int leftNoise = 0;
int rightNoise = 0;
int last_error = 0;
int integral = 0;
leftNoise = leftSound.readRawValue() - 30; //Calibration :-)
rightNoise = rightSound.readRawValue();
int error = leftNoise - rightNoise;
integral = integral + error * dt;
int derivative = (error - last_error) / dt;
float turn = Kp * error + Ki * integral + Kd * derivative;
last_error = error;
The gains for the vehicle is chosen empirically to:
static float Kp = 5.0f,
Ki = 0f,
Kd = 0.5f;
The performance of our Party Finding Robot is shown in the following video.
[![Party Seeking Robot video](http://img.youtube.com/vi/RL0ZnIF1B_o/0.jpg)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RL0ZnIF1B_o)
## Conclusion
## References
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