... | @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ There are a number of other projects hosted at GitLab which interact with AUSALI |
... | @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ There are a number of other projects hosted at GitLab which interact with AUSALI |
Experimental data is read out from the acquisition system in a binary format and dumped to disk without any further processing. At this point the data are arranged as pairs of values corresponding to a VME address and a value (proportional to energy or time etc.). Further scaler values are also written to the file along with each event recorded.
Experimental data is read out from the acquisition system in a binary format and dumped to disk without any further processing. At this point the data are arranged as pairs of values corresponding to a VME address and a value (proportional to energy or time etc.). Further scaler values are also written to the file along with each event recorded.
The first stage of data analysis is to convert this data from referencing VME addresses to referencing the detectors in the setup. This step is referred to as unpacking the data. For this purpose we have an **[unpacker](https://gitlab.au.dk/ausa/ucesb/-/wikis/home)** which requires as input a .spec file specifying the mapping between VME addresses and physical detector channels. Sensible names for the scaler values can also be assigned at this point.
The first stage of data analysis is to convert this data from referencing VME addresses to referencing the detectors in the setup. This step is referred to as unpacking the data. For this purpose we have an **[unpacker](https://gitlab.au.dk/ausa/ausadaq/controller/ucesb)** which requires as input a .spec file specifying the mapping between VME addresses and physical detector channels. Sensible names for the scaler values can also be assigned at this point.
The output from the unpacking procedure is a ROOT file, where each entry corresponds to a trigger event from the acquisition. At this point the data may already be inspected using ROOT, however the detector values (energy and time) have no calibrations applied.
The output from the unpacking procedure is a ROOT file, where each entry corresponds to a trigger event from the acquisition. At this point the data may already be inspected using ROOT, however the detector values (energy and time) have no calibrations applied.
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