... | ... | @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ The discussion regarding the Y-shaped lines led to a suggestion that rather than |
[TODO: Y-back.jpg]
*Figure 1: TODO*
*Figure 1: Diagrammatic presentation of the robot moving down the Y and then backing up.*
We also discussed using a gyro sensor to register whether or not the robot was on a platform. We decided to investigate whether the gyro sensor would be useful for this - and potentially if other uses for it would become apparent.
... | ... | @@ -64,9 +64,46 @@ We ended up with the following initial, concrete plan: |
### **Experimenting with LineFollower**
In order to use the LineFollower program, we rebuilt the robot so that the light sensor pointed towards the ground.
[Insert rebuilt picture]
In order to use the LineFollower program, we rebuilt the robot so that the light sensor pointed towards the ground (see Figure 2).
[TODO: Insert rebuild picture]
*Figure 2: The robot rebuilt to use the light sensor for following a line on the ground.*
In order to have some clear goals for our experiments, we began by identifying issues with using the LineFollower program, in order to try and solve them individually before attempting to figure out a solution for the entire task - sort of a divide and conquer approach. We strived to specify the issues as "what and why"; i.e. how to detect a certain context or situation and what behavior to respond with. We identified the following issues that we decided to work with:
TODO: Synes ikke at "what" og “why” helt passer (Ida)
<td>Getting out of the start area</td>
<td>Since the robot starts on an entirely green surface, it is hard for it to find the track.</td>
<td>Following the track up the ramp</td>
<td>Detecting platforms</td>
<td>Detecting the platform context is not straightforward using just LineFollower.</td>
<td>Performing turns in order to follow the track, and stopping.</td>
<td>Recognizing the top platform</td>
<td>At the top platform, the robot needs to urn 180 (to go back down)</td>
The LineFollower program from week TODO, when attempting to correct the robot’s course, turns the robot by only having one motor turned on. This was observable when we ran the program, and we discussed modifying the program so that the robot would always use both motors. The purpose of this modification would be to increase the forward motion along the desired path such that less time would be wasted in the turns.
### Experimenting with the gyro sensor
... | ... | @@ -82,6 +119,10 @@ OBS skriv om: ville nok være bedre at have behaviors og at håndtere dem så é |
## **Conclusion**
We spent around 7 hours on the 28th of April and TODO hours on the 5th of April.
## **References**
[1] Rodney Brooks, [A robust layered control system for a mobile robot](http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=1087032), IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation, RA-2(1):14-23, 1986
... | ... | @@ -94,3 +135,15 @@ OBS skriv om: ville nok være bedre at have behaviors og at håndtere dem så é |
TODO: Skriv om idéer fra "dum" idé-generering (kommentér på længere oppe i rapporten)
* råbe af robotten
* kran-arme med kroge til at hejse sig op
* grappling hook
* faldskærm
* dreje på en stok
* ...