... | ... | @@ -23,7 +23,11 @@ We used the picture of an augmented robot, provided in the lesson plan, as a gui |

*Figure 1: The robot, refittet with two touch sensors, one light sensor, and one ultrasonic sensor:
### Avoid program from figure 9.3
### Running the program implementing the avoid behaviour
Figure 2 shows a diagram, representing the robot's overall behaviour when running the provided ***AvoidFigure9_3.java***. The image is taken from [2, Figure 9.3].

*Figure 2: Diagram of the avoid behaviour*
The program worked quite well. It avoided small obstacles put in it's vision, and even when it reached a corner, it seemed like it tried to find a way around the obstacle by looking 'increasingly much' to either side. When we looked into the code of the program, we saw that this was partially correct, since it did exactly that, but only with increasingly looking more to the left. TODO video of avoid program + description - EMIL
#### Changing the program
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