... | ... | @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ We were provided with the program ***AvoidFigure9_3.java*** [4] which implements |
![the avoid behavior](https://gitlab.au.dk/LEGO/lego-kode/raw/master/week9/img/fig93.PNG)
*Figure 2: Diagram of the avoid behavior. The image is originally Figure 9.3 in [2].*
The program worked quite well. The robot succesfully avoided obstacles registered by the ultrasonic sensor, and when approaching a corner it seemed like the robot was attempting to find a way around the obstacle by scanning from side to side by turning its body, increasing the angle for left-turns with each try. When we looked into the program code, we saw that this observation is correct albeit a little too specific: the robot increases its turn angle in the direction where it measures the largest distance to any obstacles - i.e. it will not necessarily be the angle for left-turns that is increased. Video 1 shows the robot avoiding different obstacles [TODO: grundigere beskrivelse af video]
The program worked quite well. The robot succesfully avoided obstacles registered by the ultrasonic sensor, and when approaching a corner it seemed like the robot was attempting to find a way around the obstacle by scanning from side to side by turning its body, increasing the angle for left-turns with each try. When we looked into the program code, we saw that this observation is correct albeit a little too specific: the robot increases its turn angle in the direction where it measures the largest distance to any obstacles - i.e. it will not necessarily be the angle for left-turns that is increased. Video 1 shows the robot avoiding different obstacles with the avoid behavior enabled [TODO: grundigere beskrivelse af video]
[![Robot running avoid behavior](http://img.youtube.com/vi/4Xa1ZYIT-Rs/0.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xa1ZYIT-Rs)
*Video 1: The robot running AvoidFigure9_3.java, implementing the avoid behavior*
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