diff --git a/run/train_3d.py b/run/train_3d.py
index 686a1f3a773fe4643a9cefb3cc07c9813707a8bd..4eb63549f1c4703958440b15de46b9417d328893 100644
--- a/run/train_3d.py
+++ b/run/train_3d.py
@@ -196,6 +196,19 @@ def train_lens_pointpillars(
         device=device, load=load, name=name, samples_list=samples_list, config=config
+def train_blens_pointpillars(
+    device="cuda:0",
+    load=0,
+    name="blens_pointpillars_car",
+    samples_list=[4],
+    config="blens_xyres_16.proto",
+    return train_pointpillars(
+        device=device, load=load, name=name, samples_list=samples_list, config=config
+    )
 def train_vnn_tanet(
diff --git a/src/opendr/perception/object_detection_3d/voxel_object_detection_3d/second_detector/configs/pointpillars/car/blens_xyres_16.proto b/src/opendr/perception/object_detection_3d/voxel_object_detection_3d/second_detector/configs/pointpillars/car/blens_xyres_16.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0d0125f66faa5cd5411761f093df1177c94bf928
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/opendr/perception/object_detection_3d/voxel_object_detection_3d/second_detector/configs/pointpillars/car/blens_xyres_16.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+model: {
+  second: {
+    voxel_generator {
+      point_cloud_range : [0, -39.68, -3, 69.12, 39.68, 1]
+      voxel_size : [0.16, 0.16, 4]
+      max_number_of_points_per_voxel : 100
+    }
+    num_class: 1
+    voxel_feature_extractor: {
+      module_class_name: "PillarFeatureNet"
+      num_filters: [64]
+      with_distance: false
+    }
+    middle_feature_extractor: {
+      module_class_name: "PointPillarsScatter"
+    }
+    rpn: {
+      module_class_name: "BLEnsRPN"
+      layer_nums: [3, 5, 5]
+      layer_strides: [2, 2, 2]
+      num_filters: [64, 128, 256]
+      upsample_strides: [1, 2, 4]
+      num_upsample_filters: [128, 128, 128]
+      use_groupnorm: false
+      num_groups: 32
+    }
+    loss: {
+      classification_loss: {
+        weighted_sigmoid_focal: {
+          alpha: 0.25
+          gamma: 2.0
+          anchorwise_output: true
+        }
+      }
+      localization_loss: {
+        weighted_smooth_l1: {
+          sigma: 3.0
+          code_weight: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+        }
+      }
+      classification_weight: 1.0
+      localization_weight: 2.0
+    }
+    # Outputs
+    use_sigmoid_score: true
+    encode_background_as_zeros: true
+    encode_rad_error_by_sin: true
+    use_direction_classifier: true
+    direction_loss_weight: 0.2
+    use_aux_classifier: false
+    # Loss
+    pos_class_weight: 1.0
+    neg_class_weight: 1.0
+    loss_norm_type: NormByNumPositives
+    # Postprocess
+    post_center_limit_range: [0, -39.68, -5, 69.12, 39.68, 5]
+    use_rotate_nms: false
+    use_multi_class_nms: false
+    nms_pre_max_size: 1000
+    nms_post_max_size: 300
+    nms_score_threshold: 0.05
+    nms_iou_threshold: 0.5
+    use_bev: false
+    num_point_features: 4
+    without_reflectivity: false
+    box_coder: {
+      ground_box3d_coder: {
+        linear_dim: false
+        encode_angle_vector: false
+      }
+    }
+    target_assigner: {
+      anchor_generators: {
+         anchor_generator_stride: {
+           sizes: [1.6, 3.9, 1.56] # wlh
+           strides: [0.32, 0.32, 0.0] # if generate only 1 z_center, z_stride will be ignored
+           offsets: [0.16, -39.52, -1.78] # origin_offset + strides / 2
+           rotations: [0, 1.57] # 0, pi/2
+           matched_threshold : 0.6
+           unmatched_threshold : 0.45
+         }
+       }
+      sample_positive_fraction : -1
+      sample_size : 512
+      region_similarity_calculator: {
+        nearest_iou_similarity: {
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+train_input_reader: {
+  record_file_path: "kitti_train.tfrecord"
+  class_names: ["Car"]
+  max_num_epochs : 160
+  batch_size: 1
+  prefetch_size : 25
+  max_number_of_voxels: 12000
+  shuffle_points: true
+  num_workers: 2
+  groundtruth_localization_noise_std: [0.25, 0.25, 0.25]
+  groundtruth_rotation_uniform_noise: [-0.15707963267, 0.15707963267]
+  global_rotation_uniform_noise: [-0.78539816, 0.78539816]
+  global_scaling_uniform_noise: [0.95, 1.05]
+  global_random_rotation_range_per_object: [0, 0]
+  anchor_area_threshold: 1
+  remove_points_after_sample: false
+  groundtruth_points_drop_percentage: 0.0
+  groundtruth_drop_max_keep_points: 15
+  database_sampler {
+    database_info_path: "kitti_dbinfos_train.pkl"
+    sample_groups {
+      name_to_max_num {
+        key: "Car"
+        value: 15
+      }
+    }
+    database_prep_steps {
+      filter_by_min_num_points {
+        min_num_point_pairs {
+          key: "Car"
+          value: 5
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    database_prep_steps {
+      filter_by_difficulty {
+        removed_difficulties: [-1]
+      }
+    }
+    global_random_rotation_range_per_object: [0, 0]
+    rate: 1.0
+  }
+  remove_unknown_examples: false
+  remove_environment: false
+  kitti_info_path: "kitti_infos_train.pkl"
+  kitti_root_path: ""
+train_config: {
+  inter_op_parallelism_threads: 4
+  intra_op_parallelism_threads: 4
+  steps: 296960 # 1856 steps per epoch * 160 epochs
+  steps_per_eval: 9280 # 1856 steps per epoch * 5 epochs
+  save_checkpoints_secs : 1800 # half hour
+  save_summary_steps : 10
+  enable_mixed_precision: false
+  loss_scale_factor : 512.0
+  clear_metrics_every_epoch: false
+eval_input_reader: {
+  record_file_path: "kitti_val.tfrecord"
+  class_names: ["Car"]
+  batch_size: 1
+  max_num_epochs : 160
+  prefetch_size : 25
+  max_number_of_voxels: 12000
+  shuffle_points: false
+  num_workers: 3
+  anchor_area_threshold: 1
+  remove_environment: false
+  kitti_info_path: "kitti_infos_val.pkl"
+  kitti_root_path: ""
diff --git a/src/opendr/perception/object_detection_3d/voxel_object_detection_3d/second_detector/pytorch/models/voxelnet.py b/src/opendr/perception/object_detection_3d/voxel_object_detection_3d/second_detector/pytorch/models/voxelnet.py
index 6347b223d0d0560beeaca40c684e0a0f61519255..8d5b211a6cee794979e34d90ea080889efa874e6 100644
--- a/src/opendr/perception/object_detection_3d/voxel_object_detection_3d/second_detector/pytorch/models/voxelnet.py
+++ b/src/opendr/perception/object_detection_3d/voxel_object_detection_3d/second_detector/pytorch/models/voxelnet.py
@@ -1090,10 +1090,222 @@ def createLEnsRPNBase(Convolution, ConvolutionTranspose):
     return LEnsRPNBase
+def createBlockLEnsRPNBase(Convolution: LayerEnsembleBase, ConvolutionTranspose: LayerEnsembleBase):
+    class BLEnsRPNBase(nn.Module):
+        def __init__(
+            self,
+            use_norm=True,
+            num_class=2,
+            layer_nums=[3, 5, 5],
+            layer_strides=[2, 2, 2],
+            num_filters=[128, 128, 256],
+            upsample_strides=[1, 2, 4],
+            num_upsample_filters=[256, 256, 256],
+            num_input_filters=128,
+            num_anchor_per_loc=2,
+            encode_background_as_zeros=True,
+            use_direction_classifier=True,
+            use_groupnorm=False,
+            num_groups=32,
+            use_bev=False,
+            box_code_size=7,
+            name="lensrpn",
+        ):
+            super(BLEnsRPNBase, self).__init__()
+            self._num_anchor_per_loc = num_anchor_per_loc
+            self._use_direction_classifier = use_direction_classifier
+            self._use_bev = use_bev
+            assert len(layer_nums) == 3
+            assert len(layer_strides) == len(layer_nums)
+            assert len(num_filters) == len(layer_nums)
+            assert len(upsample_strides) == len(layer_nums)
+            assert len(num_upsample_filters) == len(layer_nums)
+            factors = []
+            for i in range(len(layer_nums)):
+                assert int(np.prod(
+                    layer_strides[:i + 1])) % upsample_strides[i] == 0
+                factors.append(
+                    np.prod(layer_strides[:i + 1]) // upsample_strides[i])
+            assert all([x == factors[0] for x in factors])
+            if use_norm:
+                if use_groupnorm:
+                    BatchNorm2d = change_default_args(num_groups=num_groups,
+                                                    eps=1e-3)(GroupNorm)
+                else:
+                    BatchNorm2d = change_default_args(eps=1e-3, momentum=0.01)(
+                        nn.BatchNorm2d)
+                Conv2d = lambda *args, **kwargs: Convolution(bias=False, *args, **kwargs)
+                ConvTranspose2d = lambda *args, **kwargs: ConvolutionTranspose(bias=False, *args, **kwargs)
+            else:
+                BatchNorm2d = Empty
+                Conv2d = lambda *args, **kwargs: Convolution(bias=True, *args, **kwargs)
+                ConvTranspose2d = lambda *args, **kwargs: ConvolutionTranspose(bias=True, *args, **kwargs)
+            # note that when stride > 1, conv2d with same padding isn't
+            # equal to pad-conv2d. we should use pad-conv2d.
+            block2_input_filters = num_filters[0]
+            if use_bev:
+                LayerEnsembleBase.start_subcollection()
+                self.bev_extractor = Sequential(
+                    Conv2d(6, 32, 3, padding=1),
+                    BatchNorm2d(32),
+                    nn.ReLU(),
+                    Conv2d(32, 64, 3, padding=1),
+                    BatchNorm2d(64),
+                    nn.ReLU(),
+                    nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2),
+                )
+                block2_input_filters += 64
+                LayerEnsembleBase.connect(LayerEnsembleBase.subcollect())
+            LayerEnsembleBase.start_subcollection()
+            self.block1 = Sequential(
+                nn.ZeroPad2d(1),
+                Conv2d(num_input_filters,
+                    num_filters[0],
+                    3,
+                    stride=layer_strides[0]),
+                BatchNorm2d(num_filters[0]),
+                nn.ReLU(),
+            )
+            for i in range(layer_nums[0]):
+                self.block1.add(
+                    Conv2d(num_filters[0], num_filters[0], 3, padding=1))
+                self.block1.add(BatchNorm2d(num_filters[0]))
+                self.block1.add(nn.ReLU())
+            LayerEnsembleBase.connect(LayerEnsembleBase.subcollect())
+            LayerEnsembleBase.start_subcollection()
+            self.deconv1 = Sequential(
+                ConvTranspose2d(
+                    num_filters[0],
+                    num_upsample_filters[0],
+                    upsample_strides[0],
+                    stride=upsample_strides[0],
+                ),
+                BatchNorm2d(num_upsample_filters[0]),
+                nn.ReLU(),
+            )
+            LayerEnsembleBase.connect(LayerEnsembleBase.subcollect())
+            LayerEnsembleBase.start_subcollection()
+            self.block2 = Sequential(
+                nn.ZeroPad2d(1),
+                Conv2d(
+                    block2_input_filters,
+                    num_filters[1],
+                    3,
+                    stride=layer_strides[1],
+                ),
+                BatchNorm2d(num_filters[1]),
+                nn.ReLU(),
+            )
+            for i in range(layer_nums[1]):
+                self.block2.add(
+                    Conv2d(num_filters[1], num_filters[1], 3, padding=1))
+                self.block2.add(BatchNorm2d(num_filters[1]))
+                self.block2.add(nn.ReLU())
+            LayerEnsembleBase.connect(LayerEnsembleBase.subcollect())
+            LayerEnsembleBase.start_subcollection()
+            self.deconv2 = Sequential(
+                ConvTranspose2d(
+                    num_filters[1],
+                    num_upsample_filters[1],
+                    upsample_strides[1],
+                    stride=upsample_strides[1],
+                ),
+                BatchNorm2d(num_upsample_filters[1]),
+                nn.ReLU(),
+            )
+            LayerEnsembleBase.connect(LayerEnsembleBase.subcollect())
+            LayerEnsembleBase.start_subcollection()
+            self.block3 = Sequential(
+                nn.ZeroPad2d(1),
+                Conv2d(num_filters[1], num_filters[2], 3, stride=layer_strides[2]),
+                BatchNorm2d(num_filters[2]),
+                nn.ReLU(),
+            )
+            for i in range(layer_nums[2]):
+                self.block3.add(
+                    Conv2d(num_filters[2], num_filters[2], 3, padding=1))
+                self.block3.add(BatchNorm2d(num_filters[2]))
+                self.block3.add(nn.ReLU())
+            LayerEnsembleBase.connect(LayerEnsembleBase.subcollect())
+            LayerEnsembleBase.start_subcollection()
+            self.deconv3 = Sequential(
+                ConvTranspose2d(
+                    num_filters[2],
+                    num_upsample_filters[2],
+                    upsample_strides[2],
+                    stride=upsample_strides[2],
+                ),
+                BatchNorm2d(num_upsample_filters[2]),
+                nn.ReLU(),
+            )
+            LayerEnsembleBase.connect(LayerEnsembleBase.subcollect())
+            if encode_background_as_zeros:
+                num_cls = num_anchor_per_loc * num_class
+            else:
+                num_cls = num_anchor_per_loc * (num_class + 1)
+            self.conv_cls = nn.Conv2d(sum(num_upsample_filters), num_cls, 1)
+            self.conv_box = nn.Conv2d(sum(num_upsample_filters),
+                                    num_anchor_per_loc * box_code_size, 1)
+            if use_direction_classifier:
+                self.conv_dir_cls = nn.Conv2d(sum(num_upsample_filters),
+                                            num_anchor_per_loc * 2, 1)
+        def forward(self, x, bev=None, sample=None):
+            x = self.block1(x)
+            up1 = self.deconv1(x)
+            if self._use_bev:
+                bev[:, -1] = torch.clamp(torch.log(1 + bev[:, -1]) / np.log(16.0),
+                                        max=1.0)
+                x = torch.cat([x, self.bev_extractor(bev)], dim=1)
+            x = self.block2(x)
+            up2 = self.deconv2(x)
+            x = self.block3(x)
+            up3 = self.deconv3(x)
+            x = torch.cat([up1, up2, up3], dim=1)
+            box_preds = self.conv_box(x)
+            cls_preds = self.conv_cls(x)
+            # [N, C, y(H), x(W)]
+            box_preds = box_preds.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous()
+            cls_preds = cls_preds.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous()
+            ret_dict = {
+                "box_preds": box_preds,
+                "cls_preds": cls_preds,
+            }
+            if self._use_direction_classifier:
+                dir_cls_preds = self.conv_dir_cls(x)
+                dir_cls_preds = dir_cls_preds.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous()
+                ret_dict["dir_cls_preds"] = dir_cls_preds
+            return ret_dict
+    return BLEnsRPNBase
 def LEnsRPN(*args, **kwargs):
     return create_layer_ensemble_network(createLEnsRPNBase, *args, **kwargs)
+def BLEnsRPN(*args, **kwargs):
+    return create_layer_ensemble_network(createBlockLEnsRPNBase, *args, **kwargs)
 class LossNormType(Enum):
     NormByNumPositives = "norm_by_num_positives"
     NormByNumExamples = "norm_by_num_examples"
@@ -1237,7 +1449,7 @@ class VoxelNet(nn.Module):
         rpn_class_dict = {
             "RPN": RPN, "PSA": PSA, "VPSA": VPSA, "EnsPSA": EnsPSA, "VRPN": VRPN, "VARPN": VARPN,
-            "LEnsRPN": LEnsRPN,
+            "LEnsRPN": LEnsRPN, "BLEnsRPN": BLEnsRPN,
         self.rpn_class_name = rpn_class_name
         rpn_class = rpn_class_dict[rpn_class_name]
diff --git a/src/opendr/perception/object_detection_3d/voxel_object_detection_3d/second_detector/run.py b/src/opendr/perception/object_detection_3d/voxel_object_detection_3d/second_detector/run.py
index 6302cac412e032090957a0f5277326e61449192b..7bd87f6b93b93f2b88e1aa06aa722c85a420dea2 100644
--- a/src/opendr/perception/object_detection_3d/voxel_object_detection_3d/second_detector/run.py
+++ b/src/opendr/perception/object_detection_3d/voxel_object_detection_3d/second_detector/run.py
@@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ def predict_kitti_to_anno(
         return annos_coarse, annos_refine
-        predictions_dicts_coarse = net(example, samples=samples)
+        predictions_dicts_coarse = net(example, samples=samples, combine_predictions=True)
         annos_coarse = comput_kitti_output(