Explore projects
This repository serves to hold data-dumps which are to be shared and managed in regards to the Desktop Robotti project.
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Kim Hochreuter / BRAINSTools
Apache License 2.0A suite of tools for medical image processing focused on brain analysis
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Improving the Accuracy of Early Exits in Multi-Exit Architectures via Curriculum Learning
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MaLeCi / OpenDR / opendr_internal
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Student exercises for Statistical Learning & Machine Learning course at Aarhus University
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Biomodelling / Phrases
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Christian Fischer Pedersen / AIR
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Our SIDH/SIKE implementation in SageMath, with SIDH-based OT example. Made by Jeppe Borup Larsen and Aingaran Selvarajah