##### [Back To Fronpage](https://gitlab.au.dk/ITPDP2019/stay-hydrated/design-blog/) Tobias Gade - 201809466, Mikkel Blok - 201706536, Keyan Javanshir - 201407195, Jakob Overgaard - 201706812 19/03/2019 ### Workshop exercises #### [Future Workshop](https://gitlab.au.dk/ITPDP2019/stay-hydrated/design-blog/blob/master/Bolg-posts/future.md) During the Lecture we where asked to do a future workshop. This workshop included 3 steps. First step was to critique everything we could with respect to our observations. After that, we needed to idealize each of the siturations we critiqued and describe them as we wish they where. At last, we needed to brainstorm protential solutions that could change the siturations we critiqued into the idealized versions. #### [Inspiration Card Workshop](https://gitlab.au.dk/ITPDP2019/stay-hydrated/design-blog/blob/master/Bolg-posts/card.md) We where also asked to do a Inspiration Card Workshop. This workshop was meant to clear up domains to focus on and find possible solutions to thoes domains. #### [Interaction Relabeling and Extream Character](https://gitlab.au.dk/ITPDP2019/stay-hydrated/design-blog/blob/master/Bolg-posts/extream.md) This exercise was meant to give us a comprehension of the value within changeing the perspective with which you look at ideas.