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   400 words the Micro:BIT as a educational tech product.
-#### [Hyperstories]()
+#### [Hyperstories](https://gitlab.au.dk/ITPDP2019/stay-hydrated/design-blog/blob/master/Hyperstories.md)
   Garzotto's text about hyperstories analysed with Hirsh-Pasek Et Al.’s model.
-#### [Design Roles in EduTech]()
+#### [Design Roles in EduTech](https://gitlab.au.dk/ITPDP2019/stay-hydrated/design-blog/blob/master/designRolesEduTech.md)
   A model describeing the design roles we expect to occur in our project.
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+Tobias Gade - 201809466, Mikkel Blok - 201706536, Keyan Javanshir - 201407195, Jakob Overgaard - 201706812
+## Design Roles in the Edu Tech Project
+In the book *The Design Way* (2003) by Nelson & Stolterman they talk about the service relationship that exsist in every design process.
+> As we examine the service tradition in detail, it becomes quite obvious that service relationships are far more diverse and comprehensive than the singular relationship that exists between a client and a designer...
+Our goal with this blog post, is to explore these design roles along with 'who' might have the different roles in regards to our project.
+### The model:
+![Design Roles Model](https://i.imgur.com/f4Dyswk.png "Design Roles Model")
+### Run-Through of the Model:
+*Thoes who constraints the product, process and/or project:* 
+Know as the **Decision Makers**. In our project the decision makers are:
+- AU, who provides the groundrules we need to follow in our project.
+- The School Board, who want to ensure education quality.
+- Local Authority, who controls educational funding.
+- The parliament, who decides what types of educational utility is allowed or even required.
+- The European Union, gdpr, GDPR, **GDPR**.
+*Thoes who can suffer a potential loss:* 
+Know as the **Stakeholders**. In our project this catagory consists of:
+- The Teachers, who can loss their job if our product renders them unnecessary.
+- The Parents, who will get affected by their childrens expirences.
+- The Children, who will be negatively if our product is bad.
+- The School, who has invested time and money in our product.
+*Thoes who buys our product:*
+Know as the **Customers**. In our project the customers refers to:
+- The Teachers, who invest their time (therefore money) in learning our product.
+- The School, who buys our product.
+- The Parents, who buys our product.
+*Thoes who the product is developed for:*
+Know as the **Clients**. In our project our clients are:
+- The Parents, who will use the product with their childrent, to improve learning.
+- The School, who will give it to Teachers to improve learning.
+*Thoes who will use our product directly:*
+Know as the **End Users**. In our project the end users are:
+- The Teachers, who use the product to improve their teaching capabilities.
+- The Parents, who use the product to improve the process of doing homework with their children.
+- The Children, who use the product to learn more effectively.
+*Thoes who's ecomomics will improve from our success:*
+Know as the **Stockholders**. In our project the stockholders are:
+- Ourselves.
+- IT Productudvikling (AU), who can get more funding with our projects are great.
+*Thoes who are involved the production:*
+Know as the **Producers**. In our project this consists of:
+- Ourselves. We will have to make the product all by ourselves.
+- A Production Company, if our product ends up beeing a success. 
+### Refences:
+- Nelson, H., & Stolterman, E. (2003). The Design Way: Intertional Change in an Unpredictable World.
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